When you are camping, it is always nice to have a comfy place to sleep or rest. In this tutorial, learn how to construct a strong but cheap DIY "whoopie sling" for making a hammock. This suspended coc ...
If you're out in the wilderness with only one or two other people, it's easy to get separated. Even worse, if you planned for the trip to be "all natural" and decided not to bring any electronic gadge ...
If you were on the hit show "Lost," would you be able to survive? While most of the main castmembers on the show tough it out through learning how to eat the island's vegetation, we know that most of ...
When you're out camping in the woods one of the best survival tools you can have in your kit is a sharp knife. Handy for cutting plants, vines, and skinning animals if it's nosh time, a knife must be ...
Here in civilization, any sign of a cold can be instantly erased with a trip to the doctor and the right medicine, but when you're stuck out in the wild without any pre-packed meds, you're in major tr ...
This survival cache is made for adventurers who, if lost, may stumble upon this handy little tube and immediately get some food and knowledge of their geographic location. Filled with Nutrigrain bars ...
Rope seizing is a technique that is used when two things need to be held together with rope, like two pieces of timber for example. This video from ITS Tactical demonstrates how to use some cord to pe ...
In this Outdoor Recreation video tutorial you will learn how to pan for gold in a lake. You will need the sand that you mined for gold. Put some sand in a pan, put water in the pan and mix it with you ...
Sometimes you need a little shelter when you are hiking or camping. If it starts to rain, or you need a little shade from the sun, it will help you very much to build a lean to. In this tutorial, le ...
Backpacking sounds like the most basic way to travel but it is actually quite a large undertaking. In this tutorial, learn all you need to know to plan for a backpacking trip, no matter where you're ...