In order to build a good chuck box, you will need to do a lot of planning in advance, in order to make sure that you have the essentials and keep the weight of your chuck box down. The most important ...
In order to tie a Miller's Knot, which is also known as the bag or sack knot, you should begin by wrapping the rope around the object you wish to bind: the Miller's knot is a binding knot. It is used ...
Putting up a tent is hard, but putting one up when one of your poles is broken is nearly impossible. Remember that little metal tube that came with your tent? Now is its time to shine. This video will ...
Learn how to put up a tarp for shade and protection from the rain in this video. First, find two trees with a nice flat spot in between them. Throw a rope up over a limb at least fifteen feet or so hi ...
In this video tutorial, viewers learn about patrol boxes. There are two patrol boxes that are mentioned in this video. The materials that are contained in the first box are: a twin burner stove, propa ...
There are some basic tips that you will need to know in order cook over various types of campfires. Hazel wood is a good wood to use, because it is a quick growing wood. Make a tripod with 3 wood post ...
Cut an old sheet of news paper at about five inches in width. Roll it down to create a thick stick of newspaper. Get a roll of string that is specifically made of cotton or use a natural fiber string. ...
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to use a fire steel. The fire steel consists of a piece of steel and a striker. To use the fire steel, simply by pressing one piece against the other to creat ...
In this clip, learn how to get your children ready for a camping trip. Camping can be a fantastic experience for your little ones where they can learn about the environment, animals and basic outdoor ...